
Month: February, 2013

The drummer does it his way

by bradq1015

i’m just posting this to come back to. . . whenever i forget where groove is

by batmansion

by batmansion

via Grantland

You’ll never find me

by bunchamunchabruncha

playlist: get baked

by grammorhumar



Screen Shot 2013-02-11 at 10.44.20 PM


I have been listening to the radio for this playlist for days and it has not done me wrong.


by grammorhumar


Awfully Photoshopped Profile Pictures from Russian Social Networks

Is this for real?

by bradq1015

random weird tumblr of the day

by batmansion

1930s-era syphilis propaganda

by batmansion

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that up until around the last half of the twentieth century, it was not uncommon for people to just drop dead for whatever reason. Syphilis was one of those reasons, thus the following propaganda:

According to Wikipedia, the cures for syphilis were, in chronological order: eating mercury, deliberately contracting malaria, and then penicillin starting in 1928. Click the pic for more images.

by batmansion